Planetary Nebula HFG1
HFG1 (also known as PK 136+05.1) is a faint planetary nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is a type F planetary nebula and was discovered in 1982 during the Milky Way Emission Line Study by Heckatorn, Fresen and Gull (HFG). The rare morphological structure of HFG1 is formed by the mag 14.5 star V664 Cas which is actually a binary star system in which the two stars orbit each other every 14 hours. As HFG1 plows through the interstellar medium of the Milky Way a blueish OIII forward bow shock is formed while leaving a trail of red hydrogen gases in it's wake.
Image Capture Details:
32x1800s each Ha and OIII. Processed in HOO.
Telescope - PlaneWave 12.5" CDK
Mount - iOptron CEM120EC2
Camera - ZWO ASI2600MM
RA 03hrs 04' 22"
DEC +64degrees 55' 13"
Position Angle (CCW) - 140 degrees
Location - Calgary Alberta
Date - October 2022 and October 2023
Constellation - Cassiopeia
Distance - 2,000 (+/- 300) lightyears
Processed in ImagesPlus, PixInsight and PhotoShop