NGC 281 - PacMan Nebula - 1st light ZWO ASI2600MM
NGC 281, IC 11 or Sh2-184 is a bright emission nebula and part of a HII region in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia located in the Milky Way's Persues Spiral Army. NGC 281 is also known as the Pacman Nebula for its resemblance to the video game character. Edward Emerson Banard discovered the nebula in August 1883, describing it as "a large faint nebula, very diffuse.
Image Capture Details:
6x1800s each SII, Ha and OIII. Processed in SHO.
Telescope - PlaneWave 12.5" CDK
Mount - iOptron CEM120EC2
Camera - ZWO ASI2600MM
RA 0hrs 52' 47"
DEC +56degrees 37' 17"
Position Angle (CCW) - 90 degrees
Guide Star - TYC3663-1615-1 / mag 7.87
Location - Calgary Alberta
Date - July 2022
Constellation - Cassiopeia
Distance - 9,500 lightyears
Processed in ImagesPlus, PixInsight and PhotoShop