M57 Ring Nebula (with spiral galaxy IC1296)
The Ring Nebula, M57, is a planetary nebula located in the constellation of Lyra. It was discovered in 1779 by Charles Messier while he was searching for comets. It's doughnut like appearance is the result of gases being illuminated by the remnants of the central star which is now a hot white dwarf. The vibrant colors of the nebula are caused by different gases emitting light at different wavelengths. The reddish hue is due to hydrogen while the greenish blue is due to oxygen.
Located slightly above M57 in the image is the barred spiral galaxy IC1296. While M57 is about 2,300 lightyears away, IC1296 is far in the background at 238 million lightyears from earth. In 2013 a super nova (SN2013ev) was discovered in IC1296.
Image Capture Details:
32x900s Ha, 12x600s each RGB. Processed in (HaR)GB.
Telescope - PlaneWave 12.5" CDK
Mount - iOptron CEM120EC2
Camera - ZWO ASI2600MM
RA 18hrs 54' 30"
DEC +33degrees 03' 27"
Position Angle (CCW) - 30 degrees
Location - Calgary Alberta
Date - August 2024
Constellation - Lyra
Distance - 2,300 lightyears
Processed in ImagesPlus, PixInsight and PhotoShop