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Taken 19-Dec-23
Visitors 180

17 of 21 photos
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Dimensions1550 x 987
Original file size1.67 MB
Image typePNG
Color spaceUncalibrated
M92 Globular Star Cluster

M92 Globular Star Cluster

Hosting at least 2 generations of stars, M92 is one of the oldest clusters in the Milky Way Galaxy with an estimated age of about 11 billion years. The cluster contains approximately 330,000 stars. First discovered in 1777 by Johann Bode, it was rediscovered by Messier in 1781 and added to his catalogue as the 92nd entry.

Image Capture Details:

25x300s each RGB.
Telescope - PlaneWave 12.5" CDK
Mount - iOptron CEM120EC2
Camera - ZWO ASI2600MM
RA 17hrs 17' 02"
DEC +43degrees 08' 09"
Position Angle (CCW) - 90 degrees
Guide Star - TYC3081 - 400 - 1 / mag 11.4
Location - Calgary Alberta
Date - April 2023
Constellation - Hercules
Distance - 26,500 lightyears

Processed in ImagesPlus, PixInsight and PhotoShop